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Monday 13 January 2014

This is the kind of thing you should show people to make them start changing how they live

There isn't much that needs saying about this video. Its message and purpose are clear. I just hope that the more people who see it and understand it, the more people who will be willing to change their habits.

The original post was uploaded two years ago and is Midway's last video on vimeo. In the description of this video however, there is a promise of a feature film set to premiere early 2014. Have a look at his other videos -


  1. This video is so powerfully emotive. Seeing that amount of birds in one shot was incredible, but then cutting to the harsh truth of how they need to scavenge for food - if you call bottle caps and plastic food, and how they needlessly die is very shocking. Just to think that all it can take is disposing of litter properly, and reducing our disturbance of the natural world as little as possible. Emotive videos really can have an impact, in that they can make us look at ourselves in disgust and disappointment. No creature should be that helpless. The shutter sound is so ominous, in making me wonder what the next photo will be. Will we only start noticing the problem when a much more favourable animal becomes this desperate?

    1. Videos like this are exceptionally important, not just because they show us the effect we have on the other animals around us, but also because they show us where our waste ends up when we do not dispose of it properly by recycling. This is the kind of information that we do not necessarily want to know in order to keep our conscious' clean, but also is not easy information to find out. The people in charge don't want you to know what really happens. Unfortunately I think you may be right that people will only start truly caring when a 'cuter' animal is affected by something like this. The chances are that some such animal is already being affected by it, there just hasn't been a documentary made about it yet.

  2. I think our waste, and especially landfill sites, are one of the more stronger and hitting images of how we are directly damaging our world. Everyone throws stuff away, everyone can see their own waste in a landfill, and even as a very little child I'd see pictures or actually see a landfill site and feel very guilty. They're so very connected with how we damage landscape, animals and the environment - landfill sites /look/ awful, and the vast amount of waste all in one place is a powerful reminder for a lot of people about just how much waste we create, and that your own waste is something you have control over. I think sites like this should be publicised more to help encourage more people to recycle and think more about what they throw away.
