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To all you wonderful people from all over the internet who are looking at this blog because I promised you pretty pictures and provocative opinions, thank you. They will come in floods very soon, I'm already working on them.

Please do subscribe, I don't get extra marks, it just means that you don't have to keep checking in as the posts get emailed to you directly!

Ask me anything, question my opinions and comment in the boxes whether you agree or disagree with me. I'd love to hear what you all think, especially if you live outside the UK and feel things are different where ever you are from.

Some posts will include a picture or an article, or reference a book - I will try and put links to where I found these (though the pictures will always most likely be google images!) so you can look into it all further if you are so inclined.

Once again, thank you so much for taking time out of your busy days to look at my little blog.

Much love

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