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Sunday 26 January 2014

Global Warming and the Polar Vortex as explained by Hank Green

Ok so Hank Green is not a scientist. He is however, someone with an abundance of common sense and he has a way of explaining things which means more people can understand them. I like Hank, he's sensible and down to earth and realistic. It's hard to find in a vlogger.

The stuff Hank is talking about is exceptionally relevant to us today, and I have to say I agree with him. I think that the name Global Warming is very deceptive and confuses most people as to what is going on. But I also think that no matter what we call it the majority of people will still not be interested in whatever it is that's actually happening.

The global temperature rising by 4 degrees Celsius overall might not seem like a huge amount. But (to steal an idea from Barbara Kingsolver's Flight Behaviour), if your body temperature rose by 4 degrees, you'd be dead. I completely agree with Hank that the weather anomalies are not the way to think about global warming, as they don't give us a realistic view of what's going to happen. His way of thinking about global warming does make a lot of sense and I think it would help a lot of people to actually understand the process of what is happening to the world around us.

Monday 13 January 2014

This is the kind of thing you should show people to make them start changing how they live

There isn't much that needs saying about this video. Its message and purpose are clear. I just hope that the more people who see it and understand it, the more people who will be willing to change their habits.

The original post was uploaded two years ago and is Midway's last video on vimeo. In the description of this video however, there is a promise of a feature film set to premiere early 2014. Have a look at his other videos -